9 AI Tools Every Marketer Should Know


Get access to the world's largest archive of social engagement data.Inform your content, campaigns, outreach, and more with real performance insights that you won't find anywhere else. BuzzSumo is a cloud-based app. No software downloads, no lengthy configuration. Just enter your details and go. Plus, everything you see below is available in the trial – we don’t hold back any core features!


Boost your advertising and social media game with AdCreative.ai - the ultimate Artificial Intelligence solution. Say goodbye to hours of creative work and hello to high-converting ad and social media posts generated in mere seconds. Maximize your success and minimize your effort with AdCreative.ai today.


tinyEinstein is an AI Marketing manager that helps you grow your Shopify store 10x faster with almost zero time investment from you.


Watch as GlossAi effortlessly transforms your videos, podcasts, and training materials into a captivating array of shareable gems. Delight in the creation of mesmerizing highlight videos, captivating eBooks, enticing blog posts, and witness the phenomenal growth of audience engagement


Supercharge your blog content creation with GrowthBar's AI-driven SEO expertise. Compose and optimize captivating, search engine-friendly articles at lightning speed. Harness GrowthBar's revolutionary technology for 10x faster, more effective content creation and optimization. Watch your blog soar to new heights as GrowthBar's SEO wizardry works its magic.


With Postwise at their disposal, crafting tweets that go viral is a breeze. By utilizing AI-powered tools, users can create compelling and attention-grabbing posts with ease. Not only that, but scheduling these posts is effortless, leaving them with more time to engage with their audience. As a result, their follower count is bound to skyrocket in no time.


With Lumen5, your brand can increase its popularity and generate more interest using videos effortlessly. Lumen5's online video maker allows anyone in your team to create captivating content without difficulty.


Semrush enables comprehensive online marketing, including SEO, content, competitor research, PPC, and social media, in one platform with measurable results.

DeepBrain AI

With DeepBrain AI, creating AI videos is a breeze! By converting simple text into realistic AI avatar videos, DeepBrain AI provides users with the ability to generate quality videos in under 5 minutes. All you need is a script and the Text-to-Speech feature, and you're good to go!

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