Grammarly: Plagiarism checker, essay checker, easy! AI-powered

More than 30 million people and 50,000 teams use Grammarly.

We do too!

Grammarly is AI-enabled English communication assistant. We will use it to check for plagiarism but then start to enjoy the other features...

They offer a Chrome extension, Grammarly for MAC, android, etc..

The Mac app has more integrations but since most of our work is online, I use the Chrome extension. I use the Grammarly extension for this review ;-)

We use it in google docs, here is an example :

Below you can see the recommendation by Grammarly. Very easy to use.

Now that you know that you can easily install an extension, what features does Grammarly offer, and is it worth it?

  1. Plagiarism checker is right in the app. Pretty cool. I'll say that differentiates itself from many other apps.
  2. English fluency: ensure your English sounds fluent.

3. Auto-Citations : Get automatically generated citations on popular research websites

4. Style Guide : the features ensure all team members right with the same style

5. Grammar, spelling and punctuation : this is the core feature ;-)

6. Performance of your writing: they check the quality of your writing/doc

Overall, the features are pretty powerful and very well integrated into the tools you already use.

Right now, since they don’t offer generative AI ( i.e or I would use it with another generative AI. Basically for instance:  generate with Bard then use Grammarly to improve the tone and check for plagiarism.

Pricing  :

Free for a basic account, Whooo! ( try it!!)

Then $12/month for a premium account.

PS: generative AI is available in beta to the team's accounts.