How To Do Real Image Editing Like A Pro With This Free Tool (LEDITS)

HuggingFace introduces LEDITS, a novel and efficient method for real-image editing that combines the Edit Friendly DDPM inversion technique with Semantic Guidance. By integrating Semantic Guidance into real image editing and leveraging the powerful editing capabilities of DDPM inversion, LEDITS enables a wide range of versatile edits, including subtle and extensive modifications in composition and style. Remarkably, this approach achieves these edits without the need for extra training, optimization, or architectural extensions.

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Upload an image and then start editing

Step 3:  Edit with the below options

Step 4: let's start a small edit. I am going to change the 'Edit Type' to 'Faces' and in the 'Concept' tab lets add 'Steve Jobs'. Then click on 'Add' button.

Once ready, click on 'Edit your image!'

The result is below:

Step 5: Let's do some more editing.

Under the 'Describe your edited image (optional)', lets add some more prompts. I am going to add 'a man with a beard and blue shirt. The man should also smile. The man should also have full hair.'

You can do as much editing as you want. Even make it similar to Elon Musk with Sunglasses.

Step 6: Download and enjoy

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