Meet GetGenie: Your AI Assistant for Content & SEO is a new AI writing assistant that is designed to help users create high-quality content that ranks higher in search engines. I tested the tool and it is packed with features that make it easy to create SEO-optimized content, including keyword analysis, competitor analysis, and related questions. Here are some highlights:

Keyword Analysis has a built-in NLP (Natural Language Processing) keyword analysis option that allows users to analyze the search volume, competition, CPC, and related keywords for any given keyword. This information can be used to create content that is more likely to rank well in search engines.

Competitor Analysis provides a competitor analysis option that allows users to see how their content compares to the content of their competitors. This is helpful to improve the quality of the content and to identify areas where to improve the SEO ranking.

Related Questions

Get a list of related questions for each keyword that users search for. This information can be used to add more value to their content and to make it more likely that users will find their content when they are searching for information on a particular topic.

Content Score also offers a content score based on SERP analysis, keywords, NLP keywords, number of words, images, headings, paragraphs, etc. This score can be used to track the progress of their content and to identify areas where they can improve their SEO ranking.

SERP Visualizer

SERP visualizer allows users to see how their content ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is used to track the progress of their content and to identify areas where they can improve their SEO ranking.

Head to Head Analysis

Head-to-head analysis enables users to compare their content to the content of their competitors.

NLP Keyword Suggestions uses NLP algorithms to analyze users' text and suggest relevant keywords. Users can then use these keywords to optimize their content for search engines and to ensure that the text is clear and concise.

Yes, lots of features..!

GetGenie integrates with WordPress, Woocommerce and others.

See below for the Wordpress plugin.

What about Pricing?

The tool is really affordable, and they offer tiered pricing with a starter pack that is free. is a powerful AI writing assistant that can help users create high-quality content that ranks high for SEO. Try it out today!