Meet Notion Calendar: Unlock the Next Level of Productivity and Master Time with the Modern-day Calendar

What is the most precious resource a person has? Time. We all have 24 hours a day and those 24 hours are different for everyone - juggling between the work-life balance and failing to keep up with either due to schedule mismanagement and not being able to allocate time properly to your work or private life. Ever got stuck between two things just because your schedule was a mess? Productivity is king, but one can only be productive when focusing on one thing at a time instead of managing everything altogether. You may ask, how can one achieve that sort of productivity? Well with proper time management.

We all use our digital phone calendars to manage our workflow however it is not enough for the majority. That’s where the new free product of Notion comes in and manages your chaos. What is the new product? Notion Calendar.

Notion AI as most people know is an AI productivity tool assisting millions of people with their projects, notes, work tasks, hobbies, and much more. Now they went one step further with the Notion Calender targeting the core of true productivity - proper time management. You can now seamlessly move between different tasks and meetings while having a proper work-life balance so you don’t miss a minute. 

To get started with Notion Calendar having a Notion account is a must. Then you can directly get the the tool for free. Notion Calendar connects seamlessly with your Google Calendar and is integrated with your Notion Workspace, Google Meet, Zoom, Arc, and other custom providers. 

You can even download the Notion Calendar application for your device - the setup process remains the same for the app. The user interface (UI) also remains the same for both the browser and the application. 

You can easily schedule meetings or quick calls with your colleagues from the calendar while also being able to adjust time zones easily, the ability to choose the conference tool of your choice, and you can even embed or add a Notion document directly. 

You can now share your availability directly on your calendar so anyone can see when you are available and they can reach out to you without disturbing your schedule and productivity. 

There are some useful shortcuts given to you on the sidebar but you can always click the ctrl/ command K to find all shortcuts in one place making you extra productive and not lose focus from what truly matters. 

You can now make the most of your time with the help of Notion Calendar - which allows you to focus on your work and your personal life giving you a powerful workflow. You can seamlessly fulfill work commitments and attend meetings. You can do everything related to your time management in one place and even more than just that. Notion Calendar is not just an ordinary digital calendar - Notion Calendar is the modern-day calendar. 


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