Q&A Feature by Notion AI: Get Answers to Your Questions Instantly

Who doesn’t want to be more productive at their work and get more done quickly? As long as you are serious about the things you do and like to do your thing - regardless of whether it is to study for a student or work for a working professional, you need to be productive. Now the question is, HOW? How do you become more productive? What can you do to get more things done? Is there any tool that can help you be more productive? There is one answer for all of your problems - Notion AI.

Notion AI is one of if not the most popular and powerful productivity applications. Notion AI is your all-in-one productivity kit. From keeping the place of a personal note to having a team's space. You can manage your workflow and tasks quickly with the built-in Kanban board to track tasks progress assigned to people. Notion is a productivity beast and now has brought a new feature Notion Q&A. Q&A feature allows you to ask questions to Notion in simple language just like you would to a friend or a teammate and get answers instantly across all sources, documentation, project, and meeting notes.

Let’s check out this cool new Q&A feature by Notion AI.

Step 1: The easiest most straightforward step is to go to Notion AI's official website sign in or sign up to make an account if you haven’t already.

Step 2: There are three ways to access the Q&A feature. 

  • Click on the bottom right two stars icon. ✨
  • Click on the ‘Search’ button on the sidebar then ‘Ask AI’ under actions. ✨
  • You would need to download the desktop application and then you can click ‘Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + K’ and you can ask questions anytime doesn’t matter where you are on your computer.

Step 3: Ask your question to the Q&A AI feature and get answers instantly within seconds.

Step 4: You can even check the references where Notion AI got the answer(s) from.


Notion AI has done amazing work with this new Q&A feature allowing everyone to increase their productivity. It is to remember that the feature is still a beta feature so the answer you get may vary. It is still an interesting feature you must try at least once due to speed and accessibility and you might also give feedback to the Notion AI team on how they can improve this new feature. So this is all about Q&A by Notion AI: Get answers to your questions instantly within seconds.

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