5 AI Tools Shortcuts to Mastering LinkedIn in 2024

5 AI Tools Shortcuts to Mastering LinkedIn in 2024

Professionalism is everything in the professional world regardless of what your professional background is. You could be just an employee working in a company or an entrepreneur owning your own business. Professionalism is important. Looking professional and giving a professional output determines your value and brand. There should be a strong balance between the two - and lacking one of them could hurt your brand. In the professional world, there is only one social media that stands tall - LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the place for professionals of all backgrounds and status. All major brands and companies have a page on LinkedIn where they can communicate with professionals and post opportunities directly. Hence professionals need to have a good, active, and professional-looking portfolio.

LinkedIn is not hard to use or understand but if you want to grow on LinkedIn you might need some help to have an account that stands out or a page that converts. The following AI tools will help you make a perfect LinkedIn account, page, or both. Don’t miss out on any of the following AI tools.


Content is king no matter which platform you are on. Your content will determine if you will get an audience and if that audience will convert into followers and then into clients. Creating well-researched high-value content is important which is targeted towards a specific audience. Taplio helps you generate personalized AI content that will get the attention of the target audience. Taplio doesn’t just generate AI content but it also offers you a personal chat assistant that helps you improve your content. Taplio actually shows you what is working and what is not with its analytical feature. Keeping you up to date with the latest trends. 


Advertisement is a billion-dollar industry that keeps growing every year and everyone wants to be part of that revenue-earning opportunity but, to do so you need to stay on top of all trends and keep yourself updated with the best and latest tool that helps you and your clients. You need to give justice to your client's product while keeping the quality up to your brand’s standards. AdCreative.ai is the best when it comes to creating adverts that convert and keep up with quality with AI-generated advertisement design which, you can generate within seconds, edit with ease, and download quickly.


You might have heard of a term called sales funnel. The sales funnel is basically a journey a potential customer goes through, from just an outside viewer to actually purchasing the product. The process is often long and tedious - manual labor could take a lot of time with zero to no success. Dripify automates that once tedious task and converts it successfully. You just need to create a campaign and leave the rest on Dripify. 


Networking is really important on LinkedIn and it is the application for professional networking. Hence making it important to connect with people. PhantomBuster lets you automate what you are already doing, one platform that you already use hence allowing you to automate data extraction, networking with people, engaging with prospects, and getting more leads with less effort. You need to set a goal and you will get a prebuilt workflow using no code and is fully supercharged with AI that anyone can use. 


William Hazlitt, a British writer once said, “First impressions are often the truest, as we find (not frequently) to our cost.” Even if you do not believe that the first impression is the last impression you should your first impression often lingers. Hence with a professional portfolio, you also need a professional-looking profile picture. The first thing apart from your name that people see is your profile picture and having a random selfie will harm your personal brand. Aragon.ai lets you convert those unprofessional selfies into high-quality AI-generated headshots that will bring more eyes to your profile.

You can make yourself a perfect LinkedIn personal account or a brand/ company page using the above-mentioned tool. None of the tools are hard to use or understand. All you need to do is sign up and then within a few clicks you will have a perfectly automated LinkedIn account. Taplio is an all-in-one tool in case that lets you create more by just spending 10 minutes per day. Adcreative.ai can create magic within a few clicks. Dripify lets you focus on what truly matters. PhantomBuster can bring people that really matter to you and your brand. Aragon.ai sets your brand image - literally. Make a perfect LinkedIn account and page today. 

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About the author


Nishant is interested in Marketing, Content Creation, and Professional growth as a Project Manager

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