Google can now also Generate AI Images from Texts and it's FREE

Google can now also Generate AI Images from Texts and it's FREE

Have you ever thought you could do experiments on Google? Are you trying your imagination and implementing it on your Google search bar? Sounds strange right? But, with the developing digital era, you can implement things while being in your imaginary world. Google Labs is a platform that lets you do this very easily.

Google Labs interface is a little hidden but can be easily accessed, and try Google's latest experiments. Google Labs introduced "Google Search Generative Experience (SGE)" which, focuses on experimentation with Google search by integrating generative AI-powered results into Google search responses.

P.S. If you are outside America you would need to use a VPN to access the service.

Check this whole article and within a few steps, you can try this cool feature by Google:

STEP 1: Go to, and click on ‘Get Started’ in the Google Search category.

STEP 2: Activate 'SGE, generative AI in Search'.

STEP 3: Write a prompt of your choice.

STEP 4: Once your images are generated, click on one then 'Edit'.

STEP 5: Now you can even change the prompt to generate different AI images.


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About the author


Nishant is interested in Marketing, Content Creation, and Professional growth as a Project Manager

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