How to use Gemini voice commands and Extensions: Your AI assistant

How to use Gemini voice commands and Extensions: Your AI assistant

Google's AI assistant, Google Gemini, formerly known as Bard, focuses on offering more than just typical chatbot functionalities. With recent updates, Gemini aims to improve accessibility and usability across various platforms and languages.

Broad Availability of Gemini App:

  • The Gemini app is now accessible to a wider audience. It supports over 100 territories and countries and is available in nine languages for both iOS and Android users.
  • Android users can activate Gemini through voice commands like "Hey Google" and enjoy the experience that provides contextual information based on the screen content.
  • Although iOS integration is more limited, users can toggle on Gemini from the Google app to chat.

Extension Feature Enhancements:

  • Extensions allowing Gemini to use information from various Google apps and services are now available in all supported languages and countries.
  • Users can connect Gemini to popular apps like Gmail, Docs, and Drive, allowing seamless access to relevant information and saving time in sourcing data manually.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gemini's expansion to more countries and languages reflects Google's commitment to making AI accessible and useful to a global audience.
  • Integrating Gemini into Chrome and popular Google apps improves user convenience and productivity by providing quick access to AI assistance.
  • With Gemini's capabilities evolving, users can expect further improvements in language support and feature enhancements, ensuring a more personalized and efficient AI experience.

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Nishant is interested in Marketing, Content Creation, and Professional growth as a Project Manager

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