How to Use Microsoft Copilot to Compose, Reply, and Summarize Emails in Outlook

How to Use Microsoft Copilot to Compose, Reply, and Summarize Emails in Outlook
How to Use Microsoft Copilot to Compose, Reply, and Summarize Emails in Outlook

Efficiency is crucial in the busy world of business communication. Acknowledging this, Microsoft introduced Copilot Pro, an AI-powered assistant that was seamlessly integrated into the new Microsoft Outlook. It changes how users compose, reply to, and summarize emails. At $20 per month, Copilot Pro is a game-changer for Microsoft 365 subscribers, offering outstanding convenience and productivity upgrades.

Composing Emails with Copilot Pro

Drafting an email with Copilot Pro is simple. All you need to do to start is open Outlook. Click 'New mail' and then activate Copilot's assistance by clicking on 'Draft with Copilot.' Then, you need to provide a prompt detailing the content and purpose of the email; you can let Copilot compose a personalized draft for you.

Following that, you need to review the draft, and/or you can regenerate the email draft, which allows you to refine the content until they are happy with the output.


Replying to Emails Made Effortless

Responding to emails has also become simple with Copilot Pro. You can ask Copilot to help you compose an email response by selecting the appropriate option from the toolbar and providing a prompt outlining the response's objectives.

Copilot generates a draft, which users can accept, discard, or regenerate for further refinement. This process ensures that responses are fluent and aligned with your intended response.

Summarizing Email Threads for Clarity

Email threads can quickly become overwhelming for most people during information overload. Copilot Pro can help you tackle this issue head-on by offering a summarization feature.

By selecting 'Summary by Copilot,' you will receive a brief overview of the email thread's key points. This summary saves time and improves understanding, allowing users to extract crucial information efficiently.



Microsoft's Copilot Pro represents a significant advancement in email management within the Outlook ecosystem. Users can streamline their communication workflows using artificial intelligence's (AI) power, saving time and maximizing productivity. While currently exclusive to the new Outlook, Microsoft's dedication to expanding Copilot Pro's compatibility underlines its commitment to enhancing user experiences across its suite of applications. With Copilot Pro, tackling the complexities of email communication has been easier than ever before.

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Nishant is interested in Marketing, Content Creation, and Professional growth as a Project Manager

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