RunwayML Introduces Multi Motion Brush: Adding Motions to Your AI-Generated Images

RunwayML Introduces Multi Motion Brush: Adding Motions to Your AI-Generated Images

Remember when RunwayML launched the Motion Brush feature? No! You sure are missing out on something cool, but worry not you can always learn something new and fun every day. Motion Brush was the new feature introduced by RunwayML that could give life to your regular still images - you can click here to learn more about it. Back then you could highlight just a single area of the image and apply motion to that particular region only. 

Now you can highlight more than one region and add motion separately to each. Want to know how? Let’s get into it.

Step 1: Go to the RunwayML website and click one, TRY NOW for Multi Motion Brush.

Step 2: Click on Start with Image

Step 3: For the image, you can either use your image or get an AI-generated image from Ideogram.

Step 4: Upload the image you wanna give motion to and then click on Motion Brush after selecting the image. 

Step 5: You will be able to individually highlight the objects you want to add motion to and adjust the settings for each. You can even adjust the camera motion. Once done click on generate. 

Step 6: Watch the following video to see the whole walk-through with the end product.


RunwayML broke the ceiling once again with this Multi-Motion Brush feature allowing anyone to bring any image to life from more than one side. You can let your imagination run while with Ideogram knowing full well you can turn that picture into a living masterpiece with RunwayML. Ideoagram is fun to use and RunwayML is also fun to use. You can play around with both tools for free and make the most out of them. 

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Nishant is interested in Marketing, Content Creation, and Professional growth as a Project Manager

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