Turning Your Imagination Into Reality: Meet Stable Doodle by Stability.AI for Sketch-to-Image

Turning Your Imagination Into Reality: Meet Stable Doodle by Stability.AI for Sketch-to-Image

If you have partial artistic skills, it may be your time to shine. Clipdrop by Stability AI has created an image-generating tool that turns doodles into detailed sketches. Yes, you heard it right. The plus point is you don't even need to have perfect drawing skills. You just need to draw whatever image comes to your mind, and that's it. You are good to go with your imagination turning into reality.

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What is a Stable Doodle?

Aptly called Stable Doodle, the sketch-to-image tool can convert "a simple drawing into a dynamic image." The tool is geared towards "both professionals and novices" according to the company

So, let us begin with the complete step-by-step guide to turn your images into reality:

STEP 1: Go to Clip Drop and select ‘Stable Doodle’ from the list of tools. 

STEP 2: Now start drawing your sketch in the white field. Yes, you don’t even need to sign up to use the tool. Don't worry if you are not a perfect drawer, just draw whatever comes to your mind.

STEP 3: Now write a short description of your sketch in the prompt box. 

STEP 4:  Choose the style you want and click on generate.

STEP 5: Select the image you want and download its HD image.




Clipdeop by Stability AI introduces “Stable Doodle,” a new sketch-to-image service powered by its image-generating model, Stable Diffusion. Using the latest Stable Diffusion model, Stable Doodle can transform sketches into visually pleasing artistic renditions.

Stable Doodle relies on pre-trained AI models to generate high-quality images. Specifically, Stable Doodle is an implementation of the Stable Diffusion algorithm but instead of using a text prompt to generate an image, Stable Doodle uses a rough sketch as a basis for the generation.

About the author


Nishant is interested in Marketing, Content Creation, and Professional growth as a Project Manager

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